How Do Professionals Make Old Tiles Brand New?

tiles cleaning in Melbourne

Tiles in homes not only enhance the beauty but also prevent the walls from deteriorating. When a house is built and decorated with the earnings of a lifetime, the fruits of hard work are reaped. There is no shortage of care and maintenance of the beautiful home. But over time, its beauty begins to wane and its complexion begins to fade.

At this point, the importance of tile cleaning is assessed. With time, the design and craft of tiles get old. New and creative style tiles are introducing over time. Old tiles in your home can make your beloved apartment feel damaged and exhausted. You need to keep updating the home. But still, you can wash these tiles to look beautiful.

 Refurbishing the presence of old tiles seems like the most difficult task. You may think to replace these tiles and bring new tiles to decorate the home. But the budget can’t allow us to do these things. In this case, the steamaid offer tiles cleaning in Melbourne and it is the best option for you. With the help of experts, you can easily make these tiles look new and it’ll regain beauty to the house again.

Expert’s strategies

There are many companies providing tiles maintenance services. It helps to save time and money to acquire their services. They’ve employed experts who know how to make these tiles look new. Some of the techniques used by these experts are given below:

Deep Cleaning:

Deep cleaning of the tiles can remove rust from the outer shell of the tiles, with the help of chemical solutions and using metal scrub. The glazed tile needs special handling to ensure the tile is as free from surface glaze scratches. They use a buff pad on a buffer. The heat generated by the pad can cause scratches to fade from view.


The professionals who work to make the tiles look new, use different techniques. One of them is to paint the rough tiles with colorful emulsions. It’s just the nature of the material since the paint will always sit atop the ceramic tile surface. Colorful tiles look great and new. It adds beauty to the home.

Decorate the tiles

Decoration of the tiles is also a technique used by many skilled tile cleaners. Some of the tiles cannot be scrubbed or paint because it can damage the tiles. So, the trickier way is to decorate the tiles with different ideas.

Renewing grout

The experts of dirtalert giving services of tiles cleaning in Melbourne. With time, these grout filling get dirty and loosen its stickiness. This allows the soil particles to penetrate inside the tiles and even the water may start settling deep inside. It causes much harm to your tiles. Henceforth, the grout refilling is vital and save your tiles from fading away.

Dust removal

The tiles easily absorb dust molecules which give a bad impression to the visitors. Regular cleaning is a must for appealing surroundings. The vacuums and their regular application is helpful in supporting your tiles looking new. Try to give a vacuum application every other day. The more you keep your tiles clean, the more they will look brand new.

Steam cleaning

Today the professionals are using steam processing technology for extensive cleaning of tiles. This process has many benefits and qualities over other methods. A steam cleaner machine is used for this task, which efficiently produces large amounts of hot steam and vapors. With great caution, the experts infuse into the surface of tiles. It extracts the dampened areas and deadly stains out of it, renewing the old look of tiles. This cleaner machine uses no chemical infusion, which is a positive quality of it. Even safe for house residents, children, and pets.

Tile cleaning products

Some experts also give a thorough application of tile cleaners. They are of various types and qualities. Some are mild cleaners, others are harsh. It all depends on the condition of your tiles. If the tiles are new, then it’s better not to apply any fast cleaners. But if the tiles are quite old, then the application of chemicals may help in renewing and refreshing them.

Hydrogen peroxide application

The coloration of tiles can be renewed. The dampened and discolored tiles can easily be refreshed by sprinkling hydrogen peroxide on it. Leave it for 20 – 30 minutes. Then, use a wet cloth to clean it. Your eyes can’t get off from the surface. It is so shiny and sparkling in appearance.

Use of pantry items

The vinegar with its mild acidic properties has the best cleaning outcomes. It is used with some other items like add dishwashing liquid, essential oil, baking soda, vinegar, and water. Prepare a uniform mixture and spray over your tiles and let it absorb for 40-50 minutes. With the help of mopping cloth, clear away the surface of tiles. It almost refurbishes the tiles.

Peppermint and cleaning properties

Prepare a mixture from peppermint powder. Add some lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of mouthwash. Pour a double amount of water and stir it well. Use this mixture on the tiles. Leave it for about 1 hour. Take a squib and clean it. The old tiles will shine like new ones.

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